A Little Bit About Me

From a very young age, I have known that success takes hard work and dedication. I’ve always been the type of person to put hard work, time and effort into everything that I want to achieve. Give me a task, and you can be sure that I will do everything I possibly can to achieve that task at my highest potential. Failure for me has never been an option. If I can’t do something I will try again until I get it right. I’ve always been very well rounded and interested in many different activities including....

  Future Career Tracks and Goals

Graphic Designer

 Graphic Designing is something I have always found a passion for ever since I started it. I find it very intriguing and entertaining to work with graphic design and look foward to making it a future career.


Becoming a firefighter was never something I looked up to doing until my parents told me it fit my personality. So then I realized it seemed quite interesting and I feel that I can do good things if I become a firefighter.

Automobile Designer

The way cars are made and the modeling of cars has always fascinated me. When I grow up I would like to seek a career in auotmobile design and would like to design iconic cars that would go down in history.

Proffesional Basketball Player

Playing basketball is something I have loved to do ever since I was little. I put in a lot of hard work to be the very best that I possibly can and look foward to playing and getting drafted to the upper professional leagues.


Albert Mirabal

       From a very young age, I have known that success takes hard work and dedication. I’ve always been the type of person to put hard work, time and effort into everything that I want to achieve. Give me a task, and you can be sure that I will do everything I possibly can to achieve that task at my highest potential. Failure for me has never been an option. If I can’t do something I will try again until I get it right. I’ve always been very well rounded and interested in many different activities including playing sports, making music, drawing, computers, and academics. I am very focused on working towards my future goals and try to accomplish as much as I can at a young age so that I can always be one step ahead of everyone. I like to learn about many different fields so that I can use the 

knowledge I gain now to make decisions to help me prepare towards a lifelong career. I want to be a successful adult and I am eager to learn as much as I can within the technology production program so that I can use it towards whatever career path I choose. Technology makes the world go round and I feel privileged to be a part of a program that is opening so many doors for my future. Thanks to this program I am capable of producing work now that many adults only wish they could do and from this point on I will only work harder each day to get better at what I do. This is a big world and I have many challenges ahead of me, but my hard work, intelligence and dedication along with great amount of technology at my fingertips will help me achieve everything I desire to. 

"In order to succeed we must first believe that we can"

                                                                 -Nikos Kazantzakis